Stage Door Youth Theatre is a popular young people’s theatre company thriving in the old market town of Colne, in the heart of East Lancashire.
Established in 2005 by its Artistic Director – Janet Philbrook, it has fast become a very prolific group with the Pendle theatre goers and its audiences grow in number with each show presented. Its popularity has not only encompassed the hearts of the audiences, but young people of all ages want to be a part of this growing company. Stage Door opens its doors to new members periodically when space becomes available. The success of the company lies in its driving force for professionalism and to be a creative leader and beacon for young people – this is at the core of all its work. This does, however, prove to be challenging for its other core mission – to be all inclusive and celebrate all young people. Membership numbers in the mainstage Youth Theatre are kept to a minimum for health and safety and safeguarding measures but also to be able to progress its members creatively, on every level and stage of their development as an artist.
Stage Door celebrates its diversity not only of members but with the genre of theatre it presents. Recent productions have included popular Musicals – Into the Woods, Oliver, Beauty and The Beast, Seussical, and its last musical being Andrew Lloyd Webbers – Cats. Other work has included plays, members own devised pieces and outside performances from a retail outlet to parks! The Youth Theatre produces one mainstage show per year with smaller or outside productions throughout the rest of the year.
To join the Youth Theatre family, prospective members, need to be added to a waiting list or join the Fringe group where possible to start developing performing skills and making new friends! When space becomes available young people in the Fringe Company will be given priority. If there are still places available, then others will be invited in for a workshop and information evening.
Stage Door Youth Theatre runs on a Monday evening and company evening is Thursday evening. Both run from 6.30 – 9.30pm. It is for young people age 8 -18. The cost is a joining/membership fee of £10 then a weekly fee of £2. (Sept 2017)